DUE BY APRIL 19, 2024
Oxford Wildcat Boosters Vocational and Trades Scholarship
An award in the amount of $1000 each will be presented to a 12th Grade senior male and female student athlete at Oxford High School who has earned a varsity letter in at least one Booster supported sport or program. Further we will favor who has demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities, demonstrated high moral character and service to the community and their school. This award is specifically to be awarded to students that have participated in an Oxford High School Vocational and/or Trades training programs and will seek further education and/or vocational training. Future educational and vocational training does not preclude attendance at a 4 year college. The check will be presented at the annual Senior Athletic Awards Ceremony and the student will be recognized at the annual Senior Academic Honors Ceremony. The check will be made payable to an Institution of Education or Training as indicated by the student.
Oxford Wildcat Memorial Scholarship
An award in the amount of $1,000 each will be presented to a Graduating Class of 2024 male and female student at Oxford High School, who has demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities, demonstrated high moral character and service to the community and their school. The check will be presented at the annual Senior Athletic Awards Ceremony and the student will be recognized at the annual Senior Academic Honors Ceremony. The check will be made payable to an Institution of Education or training as indicated by the student.
Oxford Wildcat Booster Club Athletic Scholarship
An award in the amount of $1,000 each will be presented to a 12th Grade senior male and female student athlete at Oxford High School who has earned 2 or more varsity letters in Booster supported sports/programs, who has demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities, demonstrated high moral character and service to the community and their school. The check will be presented at the annual Senior Athletic Awards Ceremony and the student will be recognized at the annual Senior Academic Honors Ceremony. The check will be made payable to an Institution of Education or training as indicated by the student.